Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Confession of a Twenty-something

My Confession?

I have self-doubt.

I recently graduated from college for the 2nd time. No, no Master Degree here. With a 2nd Bachelor Degree. First one in English and the new one in Family and Consumer Science. Yeah, I know how to read between the lines of a great novel and a little bit about children.

Now, I'm out searching fore a job.
Ahh, yes, the great job hunt!
I have applied fore several jobs. None I feel qualified for. Sure I know something about children development. But I'm I right for the job? It doesn't help when the ad say "Need two years of experience." I'm a new college grad.

And.... and
I'm now in the middle of my story. Well the beginning of the middle. The place where I'm staring out at the clearing. There is nothing in this clearing. I need to fill it with words. I can see the other side. I have an idea how I wish to end the book. But first I need to get through the middle.

I need to write

Instead I'm reading Left Behind and Loving it by paperback Writer. It a workshop by the way. Feel free to head over there. So I'm reading these articles by this wonderful writers and my internal editor is saying " you need to go back and work on 'your plot'" for example.

Yeah, not good.

So far I have lock the editor in a dark room with a lock door somewhere in the back of my mind. Every once in a while I heard her say something through the key hole.

I'm writing, moving forward. Thank God.

I have 15800 words, see the beginning of the middle.

So what confession do you have to make today? What do you worry about in life or your writing?

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